Amazon Rainforest w/ Hilary Scheppers & Daniel Couceiro

In this episode of Talk Nerdy, Cara is joined by Hilary Scheppers and Daniel Couceiro, both of whom previously worked at Rainforest Expeditions in the Tambopata National Reserve of the Peruvian Amazon

Hilary is a former volunteer for the Macaw Project, focused on the conservation and management of large parrots in the Amazon rainforest. After her service, Hilary's poem Unbridled received an honorable mention for the Thomas Merton Poetry Prize (Published in Parabola Magazine, Winter Issue 2018).

Daniel Couceiro is a National Geographic Explorer working in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. He is currently developing an avian environmental education program for rural youth in the area. While at Rainforest Expeditions, he was the project lead for the Wired Amazon project.

Hilary Scheppers & Daniel Couceiro.jpg
Cara Santa Maria